Sunday, August 28, 2011

All Apologies

Sorry I've been gone so long.  Work is eating into a lot of my blogging time.  I'll be back as soon as I can.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Inner Warrior

August has been a crap month.  I'm having trouble relaxing, as well as concentrating.  I've gotten into several loud and rather nasty arguments, none of which I started, but all of which I finished, mostly with an icy glare and a growled acknowledgment of the offending party's stupidity.  But this has gotten me to thinking--why is it that some of the weakest people I work with perceive themselves as strong, while I'm trying to keep myself on the humble and they see me as weak?

So I've decided to revamp my current attitude, some of which you all may be witnessing on this weblog.  If you don't like or are offended by aforementioned revamped attitude, then feel free to stop reading or following.  I've had it with pissy bitches like you anyway.

So. . . . in light of this, I'm going to be hitting the kettlebells and weights (as opposed to my workmates) a lot harder, reading more in regard to D/s and power exchanges, and going back to saying NO a lot more often in regard to the crap people bring into work and "share" with the rest of us.  That means NO to cookies, brownies, and hideous hippy food that tastes as bland as it looks, and does nothing but make me nauseous.  That also means saying NO and walking away from stupid arguments rather than engage these people in their petty political discussions that I could give a rat's ass about.  

Maybe it's a planetary alignment (but I doubt it) but I've got a lot going on just now.  Between work and family worries, getting into heated verbal exchanges with people online and getting into heated verbal exchanges with older people who are exhibiting bratty behavior just saps my energy right now, and it's making me a little nuts.  So you all may also find links to an online workout journal that I've considered posting, as well as links to a weblog from a female bodybuilder and some former military women who work their asses off. . . and it shows.  

Please keep your weak and pathetic comments to yourselves, weaklings.  I only wish, for now, to speak and engage with other dominant Warrior Women who help keep me sane.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vampires in Devil Town, D/s, and Another Fiction Review

Since I couldn't get into White Power and I can't stay awake through The Communist Manifesto yet, I decided to divert myself with one of my favorite genres of fiction--horror.  I downloaded Vampires in Devil Town as a freebie from Amazon, but only started reading it the other day.  Now that school is getting ready to start back up, I can't get into anything too terribly interesting, plot-wise, as I no longer have the luxury of staying up until the wee morning hours reading.  In fact, I should have STOPPED engaging in this sort of activity back around July 16 or 17, right before I went back to work, but oh well, hind-sight is always 20/20 and all that.

Anyway--this has, thus far, become a riveting little horror read, and yes, there are even some elements of forced D/s.  Case in point--when the main character, Rachel, is kidnapped and thrown into the back of a van by Bones and Rain, Bones makes many references to dominance, smacking her around, and calling her a "little bitch" to "show her her place".  Why is this forced?  No consent on poor Rachel's end.  In fact, Rachel and Rain conspire to get away from Bones, which they do in a shockingly quick manner.  I'm also about to begin the chapter in which Rain will tell Rachel about "the last time" Bones did something to a victim of him, as well as find out why Bones likes to cut women's nipples off, keep them for a while until they start to rot and stink, and maybe even why he wants to "play" with his victims.  Is Bones truly Dominant?  I think not.  He's too lazy to chase them through the woods, and he relies too much on violence and not enough on actually protecting Rain or anyone else other than himself.  This is another vanilla example of what Those People think D/s and BDSM really is.  Pissed off about this?  Yup.  Good and angry about it?  Not quite.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've a bit more reading to do.  ;)

The Little Experiment

has gone slightly awry.  I've been trying to read White Power by John Lincoln Rockwell and I just can't do it.  I've been trying for the past two days.  Between the hideous typographical errors and some of the facts which are just plain wrong, I simply refuse to give this hate-filled, anger-fueled diatribe another moment of my time.  I'm sure, somewhere out there, it's in a public library, probably taking up shelf space along with Hitler's Mein Kampf.  To those libraries, I say, good for you.  Folks, I can't give you a decent evaluation or even a brief synopsis of the plot of White Power, simply because I can't get into it, I'm sick of the author fussing at me, and if I want preached to by a hatemonger, I'll go to work or jump online and try to read something from Rush Limbaugh or that Sean Hannity person or any of the other conservatives who think our current president is a Socialist who wasn't born in this country.  Just a heads-up, to those of you who feel the same way--Hawaii has been an official state since 1949.  Obama was born sometime in the mid-60s, I believe.  His mother was a white woman.  Does this make him the first official black president?  Not necessarily.  Does this make him the first official President of mixed race?  Yes.  Is this a bad thing?  No.  Go ahead and disagree with me.